Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Thank you so much for stopping by!

I have created this blog to share with you over the next 4 months, my training & progress for the 1/2 Marathon.  I will also be keeping you updated with my fundraising efforts & sponsorship updates.

When I recently went home (Australia) for a visit in late 2010, my heart was touched by a story in a way that written text simply cannot justify.....

I was at a BBQ get-together with some great friends of mine, one of which was the amazing Jenn Patten.  Jenn is a wonderful soul who is constantly doing amazing work for charity along side Tex & his "worlds fastest dog on a motorcycle"  called Bundy.
We were all sitting around the table having a drink & catching up when Jenn receives a phone call & walks off to chat in private. 

When Jenn returned her usually smiling vibrant face looked troubled & sad and tears began to well in her eyes.  "Whats wrong?"  I asked.  Jenn responded with a smile under the tears,  "Mickayla is in hospital, but doing well..."  At this point I did not know who Mickayla was or her story.  I asked about Mickayla and listened attentively as she told me with such love and compassion, the story of the beautiful little Aussie battler - Mickayla.    To hear that such a dear little girl with such a strong spirit was battling the rare & fatal disease PPH, broke my heart. Jenn explained to me that Mickayla is on oxygen 24 hours a day, is housebound & taking several medications daily.  PPH is only treatable, there is no cure.  
Sadly, Mickayla's mother Kerry recently lost her son Benjamin to PPH.  Mickayla knows about her condition and her fate yet holds strong, brave composure & her spirit shines brightly.

I aim to raise money for Mickayla & Kerry to make Mickayla's life a little easier & bring some happiness into their lives.  Anything helps, I understand these are trying times, however your donations or sponsorship pledge would be greatly appreciated.

Please stay tuned & subscribe to this blog for updates, pics & great 1/2 Marathon & fitness tips!

Thanks for your support.

Monica Lee Paige

Bundy(front) Jenn, Mickayla, Tex

Jenn, Mickayla & Tex

Bundy, Tex, Mickayla, Jenn & Kerry